University and College Named Contacts for Care Experienced Students

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University and College Named Contacts for Care Experienced Students

This blog provides links to where you can find details of the named contact for care experienced students at Scotland's universities and some local colleges too. 

Scotland's colleges and universities recognise the challenges care experienced students can face in accessing and progressing through Higher Education, so many have additional supports in place, both pre-entry and throughout. Support varies across institutions, and may include:

  • Pre-application support
  • A named contact for support throughout studies
  • Access to additional funds
  • Year-round accommodation
  • Access to student wellbeing services, counselling and health services
  • Support to take part in extra-curricular activities and mentoring programmes

LEAPS can support LEAPS-eligible care experienced students to initiate contact with the named contact at the institution(s) they are considering or planning to study at, to discuss what support is available and to put this in place in time for starting the course. Get in touch with us and we can make an introduction between you and any named contacts you'd like to speak with. Or you can contact a named contact direct, using links below to find the relevant contact and their details - whichever method you prefer!

University Named Contacts

Abertay University

Abertay University - Care Experienced Support

Edinburgh Napier University

Edinburgh Napier University - Care Experienced Support

Glasgow Caledonian University

Glasgow Caledonian University - Care Experienced Support

Glasgow School of Art

Glasgow School of Art - Care Experienced Support

Heriot-Watt University

Heriot-Watt University - Care Experienced Support

Queen Margaret University

Queen Margaret University - Care Experienced Support

Robert Gordon University

Robert Gordon University - Care Experienced Support

Royal Conservatoire of Scotland

Royal Conservatoire of Scotland - Care Experienced Support

SRUC (Scotland's Rural College)

SRUC - Student Support

Contact the relevant campus student support team:

University of Aberdeen

University of Aberdeen - Care Experienced Support

University of Dundee

University of Dundee - Care Experienced Support

University of Edinburgh

University of Edinburgh - Care Experienced Support

University of Glasgow

University of Glasgow - Care Experienced Support

University of the Highlands and Islands

University of Highlands and Islands - Care Experienced Support

University of Stirling

University of Stirling - Care Experienced Support

University of Strathclyde

University of Strathclyde - Care Experienced Support

University of St Andrews

University of St Andrews - Care Experienced Support

University of the West of Scotland

University of the West of Scotland - Care Experienced Support



Local College Named Contacts

Borders College

Borders College - Care Experienced Support

City of Glasgow College

City of Glasgow College - Care Experienced Support

Edinburgh College

Edinburgh College - Care Experienced Support

Fife College

Fife College - Care Experienced Support

Forth Valley College

Forth Valley College - Care Experienced Support

Glasgow Clyde College 

Glasgow Clyde College - Care Experienced Support

Glasgow Kelvin College

Glasgow Kelvin College - Care Experienced Support

New College Lanarkshire 

New College Lanarkshire - Care Experienced Support

West Lothian College 

West Lothian College - Care Experienced Support


Last updated January 2025.